Crowd were delighted to welcome Safa to our Dubai Studio on an internship. Here she tells you about her experience...
It was the beginning of the year when I started exploring options for a summer internship. My winter semester was coming to an end in Canada and I was ready to be welcomed back to Dubai’s scorching heat, which honestly is more bearable than Canada’s numbing winters. I knew I wanted to utilize my time well and be productive instead of lazing around for my three month summer break. I had already explored several internships in Dubai but to my luck, I found nothing that truly aligned with my interests.
It was only then when I stumbled upon Crowd’s website and was instantly drawn towards their diverse portfolio and their website aesthetics. I immediately emailed their careers team with my resume and waited. I was eager to work with Crowd and after not hearing back for just a day, I decided to call their Dubai office. I was greeted by Tom, who was extremely kind enough to brief me on the process and about Crowd in general. Within two days a meeting was set and I finally met with Tom and Carmi, who eventually became my greatest mentors.
The next day I arrived to work and I was bubbling with excitement to finally work with Crowd’s social media team. Carmi, my lovely mentor, briefed me on all the clients I would be working for, and from then I was raring to go. I assisted Carmi on several intriguing social media projects. In only the first two weeks, I learnt valuable lessons about digital marketing and social media management that no books could ever teach. I got the chance to not only work on blogs, content calendars and newsletters but I also participated in developing creative campaigns for a wide range of clients. Moreover, I even researched potential marketing and branding strategies for clients who would benefit from the power of media and digitization. It is truly rewarding and satisfying to see your work on large social media platforms being viewed by thousands of people. With Crowd, I got a true taste of success.
To anybody, who is ready to dip their feet in the world of digital communications and marketing as an intern, Crowd is your answer. With a tight-knit group, you will not only grow your credentials and learn as a professional, but you will make connections that will last a lifetime. I will truly miss the wonderful team at Crowd and wish to someday join their ever-growing Global Agency as a full-time employee. All the best to Team Crowd for their future ventures.