News & Insights

New Infographic For Winter’s

1 Aug 2016

Jamie Sergeant

Global CEO

Crowd have created an infographic for Winter’s which aims to attract an audience of expat parents or those who are looking to move abroad.

The campaign forms part of Crowd’s digital marketing strategy for Winter’s, which includes PPC, Social, and e-Marketing.

The infographic is made up of data that was researched and assembled from online sources and contains small snippets of interesting, valuable content to catch the eye of parents on social media.

The design of the infographic is striking and engaging, using animation subtly to encourage scrolling and engagement and ensuring the user wants to find out what happens next.

Projects Director Graham Dell said:

We love creating campaigns like this for our clients. As well as being great fun to work on, they really produce trackable results.

The infographic is promoted through social media, where the colourful graphics really stand out, as well as PPC, content syndication and PR. There are also links back to the Winter’s website throughout the infographic to drive traffic to the site.

Crowd are thrilled that the analytics show excellent engagement and traffic being driven to the main Winter’s website.

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