News & Insights

Innovation through collaboration

5 Apr 2018

Emma Glazier

Managing Director (UK)

Crowd have been working closely with both Bournemouth University and Bournemouth Council on a new project aimed at looking at the future of destination marketing and how to engage new and potential visitors.

The gesture based interface allows users to quickly find content that interests them and plan their trip, day or visit. By simply ‘swiping’ and scrolling users can locate a vast array of up-to-date information on attractions and destination highlights which can help visitors get the most of their stay.

The interactive screens would be located in tourist hotspots or travel hubs such as airports and hotels. This function is usually performed at the moment through expensive and quickly outdated attraction leaflets. Taking the experience into the digital space allows interconnectivity between mapping apps, travel apps to make navigating a new location stress-free.


The concept video which was created by Crowd, was shown at conferences in China during which representatives of the University and Council and Crowd MD Jamie Sergeant were able to demonstrate the forward thinking approach to destination marketing underway in Bournemouth today.

Through our China office and recent successes in marketing the Sichuan Province, Crowd were the obvious choice to bring our marketing expertise and creative thinking to the project.

Working with the talented team at BU lets us work with tomorrow’s innovators and offer our commercial knowledge in destination marketing to turn great ideas into great opportunities. Innovation through collaboration

The concept was well received by the Chinese delegation and future collaboration between China and Bournemouth looks likely - watch this space!

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