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How user generated content will transform your business in 2019

16 Jan 2019

Jamie Sergeant

Global CEO

A whopping 86% of consumers claim that authenticity is the main factor that leads them to make a purchase. Authenticity is a key component found in user generated content (UGC), which has been taking the marketing industry by storm and is showing no signs of slowing down in 2019.

There’s nothing more effective than word-of-mouth marketing when it comes making a purchase. For example, if a potential consumer is looking for a great sushi restaurant, they are more likely to trust a personal recommendation of a friend or an acquaintance, over a sushi restaurant running their ad on Instagram.

Given the power of social media, happy brand loyalists have become very influential in determining the success of your business. Social media users have become smarter than ever, with 94% of consumers saying that they would remain loyal to a brand that provides complete transparency. Crowd recommends making of using of UGC by pushing transparency forward with customers.

The power of UGC ensures that a product or a service is transformed into a fully interactive and immersive experience.

With UGC generating 4 times higher click through rate, it comes as no surprise that marketers need to jump the UGC bandwagon in 2019 or they will be left out in the long run.

A prime example of a UGC implementation success story is of Leading Hotels of the World (LHW), who used Stackla to curate high quality and real photo content from guests visiting their hotels across the world. They created a ‘Trending Moments’ section on their website to feature most visually appealing content from real people. LHW reported that Stackla made it easy for them to integrate UGC tracking and tagging with their Google Analytics, so that results were easily trackable and available. As a result LHW saw users spending double the time on their website, leading to increased booking and revenue for the company.

User generated content, a gold mine for marketing professionals, is likely to transform the future of marketing campaigns in unexpected ways, making brand loyalists of your company, your first hand publicists and saving hefty marketing costs for your brand.

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