News & Insights

How AI is Helping Reach Sustainable Goals

20 Sep 2023

Sophie Robson

Head of Innovation

When thinking of AI, our initial thoughts may pertain to its applications like ChatGPT, chatbots or its current impact on society. However, did you know that AI is also considered to have an impact on the environment as well?
From risk assessment and disaster preparation, to agriculture and workplace safety, the implementation of AI can positively impact our environment by improving the efficiency of common business practices, making them more sustainable
To help clear things up, this article outlines 10 ways in which AI can help to improve the sustainability of everyday business practices, reducing their overall carbon footprint.
Sustainable Development Goals
Impact of AI on the achievement of each target from the Sustainable Development Goals. Source: Springer Nature Sustainability Community.
AI and Sustainability
AI to Address Environmental Challenges. Priority action areas for environmental challenges; Image Source: PwC
Talk to us today about how you can use AI to improve the sustainability of your business practices.

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