After a six-month process, Crowd has proudly certified to the exacting standards of ISO 27001 security systems management. In short, ISO 27001 is the framework established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which in 2005 codified the internationally recognised standard for information security, which was revised in 2013 and most recently in October 2022. With so many security blunders hitting the news in recent years, demand for ISO 27001 has ballooned as more customers require their suppliers to meet this standard.
To achieve certification, Crowd was independently audited by a UKAS accredited certification body, British Assessment Bureau. Our Head of Development, Allen Gibson, is responsible for implementing Crowd’s information security management, which he introduced over the space of six months from February 2023 to full certification in July. Successfully achieving ISO 27001 certification first time round is testament to the dedication of Allen and his colleagues.
ISO 27001 is a risk-based model implemented from the top down. Focussed on implementation, operation, monitoring, review, maintenance, and continual improvement, we hope certification demonstrates Crowd’s commitment that client data is safe in our hands.
Successfully implemented, ISO 27001 minimises mistakes and the cost and effort to rectify them. It helps us ensure we meet the requirements of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and NIS (Network and Information Systems), but more importantly increases our resilience to data breach and cyberattack. An Information Security Management System (ISMS) ensures our staff embrace security as part of their everyday working practices. In the age of remote working, if your organisation does not view ISO 27001 seriously, your customers certainly are.
As part of our adherence to ISO 27001, Crowd will undergo annual surveillance audits by an independent UKAS accredited assessor to maintain certification. Throughout 2024, Crowd will be transitioning to the newly rolled-out 2022 version of the standard and looks ahead to that journey. Download a copy of Crowd’s ISO 27001 certificate by following this link.