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Unlocking Brand Brilliance: 5 Innovative Podcasts Every Marketer Should Tune Into

6 Sep 2023

Sophie Robson

Head of Innovation

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, brands are constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve and one surefire way to gain insights, discover emerging trends, and refine marketing strategies is tuning into podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to discover market currents as you go about your day. Today, we’re going to explore five such innovative podcasts which offer a treasure trove of information related to data science and machine learning to benefit brands of all sizes. 

The Data Skeptics

A great podcast that starts from the start, The Data Skeptics is a good place to get your fix of the basics of data science and machine learning. This podcast is an eclectic mix of interviews with experts and short episodes featuring a quick rundown on topics like language processing, and clustering. They also bring in some colourful analogies related to Yoshi, their pet parrot. 


Talking Machines

Talking Machine talks about everything under the sun- From Gods to robots, you are sure to find an episode. Co-hosted by Katherine Gorman and Ryan Adams, this podcast offers great insight into machine learning and data science making this a wonderful listen.


The O’Reilly Data Show

The O’Reilly Data Show is a podcast that dives deep into opportunities and techniques behind big data, data science, and AI. Owing to the complexity of the topics, the episodes seem too technical but they are just as interesting for those who like insight driven conversations.


Concerning AI

Even as the world is still just about exploring AI and all that it offers, Concerning AI offers a more empathetic approach to what it means for society as we know it and what possibilities it holds for the future. Co-hosted by Brandon Sanders and Ted Sarvata, Concerning AI is an intelligent podcast that often serves as food for thought.


Partially Derivative

Co-hosted by Chris Albon, Jonathan Morgan, and Vidya Soandana, Partially Derivative is a Technologists’ and Data Scientists’ take on the latest in data science over drinks. From talking about the implications of bots and AI committed crimes to investigating how AI is disrupting the world of artists, this podcast is a must-listen for the data community!


Podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for brands seeking innovation and growth. The five innovative podcasts mentioned here offer a diverse range of insights into data science that can tremendously help unlock your brand's potential and achieve remarkable success in the ever-evolving business landscape. If you’re a brand wanting to take the first steps into hosting your own podcast, get in touch! 

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